Fight to Keep the Faith!

     "Fight to Keep the Faith!

     First off I would like to say Hello to everyone that reads this post. God Bless You! I appreciate you! I would also like to encourage you to Not Give Up! I know this world can be hard and it's a battle! A couple of times I have asked my Lord Jesus, "Lord, can I please have no battles for a while? Can I go on vacation from the fight? I will jokingly explain to him how even soldiers in the army are not out on the "battlefield" all the time, they do get to go on vacation. I would explain to him that I just need a little break, but I would immediately clear that up and say, Lord, I want a break from the battle but I don't mean "sick bay", please don't allow me to be put there, then I would chuckle. I am so thankful that Jesus does have a sense of humor! He loves us and understands. 

     As David says in Psalms 103: 13,14 "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. 14. For he knows our frame; he remembereth that we are dust."  The Lord knows our frame. He knows where we come from. He knows we are human. He knows how he created us. God is the Potter, we are the clay. He is taking us marred vessels and turning us into something grand and awesome! He knows what he is doing with us. He knows just how much heat we individually need to get all the cracks out, to smooth us out, straighten us out, or whatever he thinks we need to simply make us shine for his Glory!

"Make it or Break it"

I watched a vessel being molded
by a potter one day.
I talked with the potter about what he was doing.
Here is what he had to say.

He said,  "I take this clay and hold it,
with oh! such tender care. 
I hold it in my hands,
and it's not going anywhere!

The Potter said, "I mash it,
and I squeeze it,
and it changes
bit by bit. 

The Potter knows what he is doing
he's a master at his art.
He knows how to handle the clay
every single part. 

The Potter knows
exactly what to do.
He knows just how much pressure
to take the clay through.

He knows how much the clay
can stand the flame in the fire.
He knows what is good, for the vessel
and how much heat it doth require.

He keeps working on the vessel
after he does begin.
He keeps his eyes upon it.
Never to take them off again.

To make it or break it and shape it
into a beautiful design.
And then he puts his name upon it,
and says, "This work of art is mine!"


     I love that part in that poem God gave me. " He puts his name upon it, and says, "This work of art is mine!" Doesn't that make you want to shout? Knowing that God Almighty loves us and calls us "his", helps us get through whatever comes our way. We have to remember that we are not on this earth forever! We are just passing through, and whatever we go through, we are just "going through". No matter what we go through we have to Keep the Faith in Jesus Christ until we take our last breath! That is the one thing we have to fight for! Our Faith in Jesus! Sometimes we go through some kind of fire! Believe me, I have had what "I" believe is way more than my share! God knows I am saying the truth! Because I have often voiced my opinion to him on the matter! Until I realized I can either get bitter or better. I chose to get better, not bitter! I chose to let Satan and all of Hell know that I will never give up my faith in God! I love the story of Job, in the bible. Read the book of Job. I love the King James Version. Read how God was bragging about him to Satan. God had Faith in Job that Job was going to hang onto his Faith no matter what! Job was a man who lost everything. His children, his health, and his livelihood were gone! He went "through" a very horrible time!

       During those times when you are in the fire experiencing trials and tribulations and persecutions from the devil himself and it feels like all of Hell is coming against you, consciously choose Faith in God! You cannot be passive at this thing of keeping your Faith! We have to stay aggressive in this fight of faith! Job had to aggressively hang onto his faith in God. Job didn't have anyone except for God! Job's own wife was telling him to curse God and die. Job's friends were no comfort. They thought they were but they weren't. 

     We are to follow those who have held onto their faith until the very end. Hebrews 13:7 says, "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." We cannot never forget also, Jesus says in Matthew 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Amen! 

     I am here to tell you it is going to be a fight. The devil will come against you. He hates you because he hates God. He sees the awesome work God is doing in you and he knows why. He knows God is making an awesome warrior out of you and he is trying to stop it any way he can. 
Keep your Faith in Jesus unto the end brothers and sisters.

     You are a work of art and the devil knows it! The devil knows you are valuable! That is why he is fighting you!  
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