All Lives Matter to God!

All Lives Matter to God!

     God is wanting the violence, rioting, and racism to stop! This is a warning from a loving God! Jesus says, "As in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be!" Genesis 6: 11-13, "The earth also was 'corrupt (wasting) before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. 13. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them from the earth."

     This blog post is concerning the recent event of a man named, "George Floyd", who was murdered by the hands of policemen. It is also about another man named "Tony Timpa", (links above). Please watch the video. This man called the cops for help! He was not a criminal. He was sick and needing help. The cops should all be charged in both of these cases, not just George Floyd's but also for what they had done to Tony Timpa! His life mattered to God, as well. Yes, the police should have been charged for cold-blooded in both cases, but two wrongs do not make a right! I am talking about rioting and violence does not give anyone justice! God who is the judge of all, is not in the rioting and violence "Black Lives Matter" are doing! God has had enough of the "flesh"! Let me explain what "flesh" means. The flesh is anything we are doing that is "not" led by God's Holy Spirit! Galatians 5;14-24 KJV says, "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. 15. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not 'consumed (destroyed) by one another. 16. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19. Now the works of the flesh are 'manifest (plain), which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness. 20. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, 'emulations (jealousies), wrath, strife, 'seditions (divisions), heresies, 21. Envyings, murder, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."

     God tells us right there murder is of the flesh, but also 'seditions (divisions), hatred, wrath, strife also! You love doing those things you will not inherit the kingdom of God!

     I am going to say this and I do not care if anyone gets mad at me or not! I am a white woman and proud of it! My parents did not teach us "racism"! We were taught to love and respect all colors! We didn't really look at skin color! I was taught "racism" by black people! God's truth! That is my experience! Since I was in the second grade. Just a child I was taught "racism" by fellow "black" students!

     My mother was a bus driver. We rode her bus to school until we had to ride another school bus for a season. This particular bus was 90% Blacks. My brother, sister, and I and also a few white neighbors/friends were the only white people on the bus. The rest were blacks. None of us "white" people said anything to the black people at all. From the minute we got on the bus until the minute we got to school we were persecuted by the "blacks" for being "white". We were called, "White Cracker", the whole way to school. I was about 8 in the second grade, my sister was 9 in the third grade and my brother was 11 in fifth grade. I will never forget it! Get this picture if you will. I was a little child, innocent, not understanding the difference in the color of skin. Like I said already, we were taught to respect people, period! One particular day our bus pulled up at our elementary school and when we "white crackers" got off the bus we were pinned up against it, by all of the "blacks", wanting to "fight us" because we were white. Little did they know our Mother was on the bus ahead of us at the school. She happened to be looking in her rearview mirror to watch for us to get off the bus. She saw us surrounded by all of the blacks. Actually, she couldn't even see us at first but just seen a lot of black children in a circle beside the bus. Then she finally saw one of us and she jumped off of her bus to protect us. Momma bear started swinging, but then they all ran. She ran after them! She managed to get ahold of one of the black girls who were "mixed" (half black/half white), and she tore her shirt. The black children that were trying to fight us, didn't get in trouble. My mother did after she was called to the principal's office at the school. 

You tell me what was wrong with that picture! Leave a comment if you like!

Throughout my life, God as my witness, every time I heard the word "racism", it came from a "black" person first! 

       Yes, black people were slaves and treated wrong in the past, but so were white people!
There were white slaves also! White people have also been murdered at the hands of the law! There are Christians of all colors, who have been persecuted in the past (read the links below), and are being persecuted every day! God sees!

God also sees the babies who have been aborted! I am a white woman who grew up middle-class. I have had a gun to my head three times in my lifetime! I have been beaten multiple times! I have been strangled and spent four days in the hospital. I have an injured leg from physical abuse many times over! I have had a head concussion from physical abuse and spent three days and nights in a hospital not knowing anyone, not even my dad, mom, sons, or grandbabies. Even right now my life is being threatened by someone I deeply love! You want to know what "I" do to cope? I for sure as heck don't go out and cause riots or blow everybody up! No! I pray! I let God Almighty avenge me! He sees He has seen every murder whether Black, White, Asian, Indian. Whether it was a woman, man, boy, or girl, he has seen and judgment is coming! Jesus says, "As in the Days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." Read Genesis 6:11-13
So stop the Racism, hatred, violence, and riots! God does not look at the color of our skin. He only wants to see the red blood of his dear Son Jesus flowing through our veins! That is all that is going to matter! Whether we are covered by the blood of Jesus or not. Read Exodus 12 KJV When the death angel passed through he did not stop and look at the color of anyone's skin! All he was ordered to look for was the spotless blood of a lamb! When God brings judgment on this whole world he is not looking at the color of people's skin! He will be looking to see if we have the blood of his dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior on us or not!

You better be covered with the red blood of Jesus on the inside and out or you will be damned to a burning Hell whether you are white, red, yellow, or black! In Jesus' name, you better heed to the Spirit of the Lord right now! He that has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit says!

God sees us as "souls" that are precious to him! Like a song we used to sing in church when I was a little girl, "Red and Yellow. Black and White. They are precious in his sight! Jesus loves all the little children in the world." Point is, we have all been hurt! Satan is out to steal, kill, and to destroy us all. But All Lives Matter to God! God looks at us as "souls", that are either loving Jesus and on their way to Heaven, or "souls" who are living for themselves and not him who are on their way to a Devil's Hell. He sees us as living breathing souls who controls our every breath! Genesis 2:4-7 Genesis 7:22 Genesis 46:15, 22, 25, 26, 27

I think people better start "Fearing God". While all of the riotings are going on concerning black lives, there are Black women and children, Asian women and children, American Indian women and children, and White women and children possibly boys as well held captive right now at the hands of evil men and women! right now by human trafficking that we need to focus on delivering them and stop fighting over what color is more important! We All Are Important! God Bless You All. If you need prayer email me:


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