2 Timothy 4:6,7 "For I am ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my 'course (race), I have kept the faith."
In the verse, above, Paul was speaking to young Timothy. He was letting Timothy know he was about to pass away and go home to Heaven. He said the time of his departure was at hand, and he had fought a good fight. He kept all his earthly possessions. He kept all his money and all of his awards. No! He said he kept his faith in God. That was the main thing he was passing on to young Timothy. The only award Paul was concerned with receiving was a crown of righteousness.
Paul said he had fought a good fight. Why do you think he had to fight to keep the faith? Because that is the one thing and the only thing that gets us a place in Heaven. That is the one thing Satan comes to steal from us. He knows who truly has faith in God. Satan doesn't care if someone sits on a church pew every Sunday, he just doesn't want us to put our faith in Jesus, and what Jesus has done for us on the cross.
Too many people think that just because they may go to a church building that is showing their faith. Not necessarily! Faith is believing God is real, though you can't see him, and knowing that what he says in his word is the truth! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Faith is knowing and believing that! Not too many people talk about God or Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, but I do and I hope you do too!
They say when starting a new blog to write about what you are passionate about. Ever since I truly met Jesus at the age of 28, I am passionate about sharing him with others. That is why I titled this, "Passing on the Torch of Faith." I want to do my part in passing on my faith to the next generation.
You know, we are all racing to the finish line, whether we like to admit it or not. We none are guaranteed tomorrow! The clock is ticking for every one of us! So knowing that, are you concerned with passing on the faith to the next generation? Or maybe, you don't know what faith in Jesus means. If you don't I welcome you and would love for you to continue to join me, so we can pass this torch of faith to others down the line. God Bless You All.